current event course

Sadly, many students do not read the newspaper or the news online. Instead, they spend time searching the Internet for hours or recording their own videos. Thus, it is essential that teachers show students what is currently happening in the world. Additionally, it is imperative that teachers show students how to evaluate sources when they do read about what is happening. Students will be knowledgeable about using trust-worthy sources. In addition, they will be prepared for life post graduation. Thankfully, this Current Event Assignment is the perfect way to teach current events from the left and right side! 

Current Event Assignment 

Students will LOVE learning about the world with the current event assignment! This assignment incorporates many skills to ensure that different learning styles are included. For instance, it includes research, analysis, written responses, and a presentation. Hence, students will be able to think deeply and apply their information in multiple ways to show their learning. 

Current Event Assignment:

To complete the project, students will research one current event each marking period. However, they must focus on how the left side and right side present the source. Thankfully, the website All Sides has current event material incredibly organized for students! Hence, students can see how the same topic is presented depending on the source. Thus, students will learn about biased opinions and how sources try to persuade people to think a certain way. Ultimately, this is eye-opening for students as many do not realize how news stations can present information from one side or the other. Ultimately, the current event assignment shows students the importance of looking at all sides of a situation. Students can adjust to this with a written section included to summarize the current event from the left side and from the right side.

current event course

Real-Life Connection:

Depending on where students live, they may not realize how current events are actually occurring. Therefore, there is a written section where students reflect on how the current event connects to their class, life, or unit being studied. As an added element, I also allow students to earn two bonus points if the selected current event connects to the current unit of study. Honestly, this is a great way to have students spend more time looking through the website to find a connection. Secretly, they are reading about so many current events without realizing it! 

Current Event Assignment Process:

Every teacher can assign the current event assignment how he/she prefers. However, I do include a guide that has made my students look forward to this assignment! Students are specifically assigned one week for their current assignment project each marking period. Then, they use the assigned website comparing how right and left sources address the same topic. To show their learning, they will complete the written assignment. Here, they will focus on summarizing each side and connecting the material to class or life. Lastly, they will present their current event on Friday of their assigned week. Thus, students will learn about different current events every Friday of the marking period. 

current event course


Grading can be hard! Hence, this product even includes a rubric for easy grading. Specifically, assessment will be based on the quality of writing, summary and analysis, and presentation of the current event. Thus, the quality of writing ensures that students are organizing their thoughts and following correct grammar mechanics. The summary and analysis section proves that students have spent time studying the current event and understanding the deeper meaning. Lastly, students will present on the assigned date with relevant information.

The Current Event Assignment is going to be one students always remember! They will love the independence of finding their own current event and analyzing how both sides present the topic. Whether it is their week to present or listen to others, students will be grateful to learn about current situations, persuasion, and biased reports. 

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