As students get older, they are ready to talk about more challenging topics. Based upon the year, this may mean learning about politics or terrorism. However, it can also mean learning about controversial topics, such as the death penalty. Thankfully, the Death Penalty Unit allows students to dive into lessons filled with critical thinking! Students will love learning about this topic with the support of their teacher. 

Death Penalty Deep Dive

This in-depth death penalty unit includes a variety of lessons to ensure each it accommodates each learning style. Specifically, it is a complete 5-day unit that could extend an extra two weeks with the videos offered. Lesson plans, videos, handouts, activities, and a more extensive project ensure students always look forward to class. 

Students will always work on critical thinking skills and discourse within the included materials. For instance, students will learn about the methods of execution through a jigsaw activity. This has how the method works, when it was used, and the pros and cons. Additionally, students will learn how a prison sentence with the death penalty impacts family members. Honestly, it will be powerful for students to hear family interviews. Students will examine different court cases and decide if the individual should receive the death penalty to apply their understanding. The case result is included, so students will be able to hear the fate. This unit contains so many high-interest lessons to ensure students focus every minute of the class! 

Student Packet 

Honestly, all teachers have probably become frustrated after hearing students say, “I can’t find my papers.” No matter how organized students try to be, many often lose their assignments. Thankfully, this unit contains one packet for students and one slideshow for the teacher. Even better, the order between the two is even the same to ensure no class time is lost. 

death penalty unit

The student packet includes ways to keep students focused and engaged. For instance, students will begin by sharing their thoughts on the death penalty before diving into the content. Then, the teacher Slides will guide students through their packets throughout the week. For instance, there are facts about the death penalty before progressing into the different methods. By doing this, students understand how execution has changed over time. After this, students will examine perspectives on death row from multiple people, including prisoners and law enforcement. To wrap up learning, students will then complete two projects. First, students will read cases to decide if each should involve the death penalty. In the second, students will write a letter to a state legislature explaining whether or not the death penalty is a form of capital punishment. Best of all, all of the work is within ONE packet!

Teaching Techniques 

To keep students engaged throughout the course, there are tons of teaching techniques used within the Death Penalty Unit. For example, there are hands-on student activities with all needed materials to implement the lessons. This means that all worksheets, projects, Powerpoints, and web searches are within this one purchase. Additionally, the unit includes all video links and questions/handouts. There are even optional videos based on the amount of time available for this topic. Thus, teachers will spend no time searching the Internet for the needed materials. Ultimately, this curriculum is packed with high-quality, rigorous, engaging resources to help students think critically. 

Teacher Benefits of the Death Penalty Unit

This Death Penalty unit is full of lessons students love and benefits teachers adore! For instance, all files contain folders for easy access. Additionally, there are lesson plans in detail for each day of the unit. Furthermore, I teach this course every year and include FREE updates to this purchase. Thus, the lessons are teacher-created and driven by proven results by someone with years of experience. 

Teachers want students to enjoy their time in the classroom. However, it can be hard to create so many engaging lessons. Thankfully, the Death Penalty Unit contains detailed lesson plans for activities and projects students will love! Even better, the activities foster collaboration and thoughtful communication over an important topic. 

If you do not want to miss any of the upcoming lessons, join my email list to be notified of all the interactive lessons coming up! By joining the email list, you will also receive the Political Party Websearch and Sociology Final Project for FREE! These resources are a special way to thank blog exclusive subscribers!  

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